Free Lap Exams for 1 and 2 year olds!
February is Children’s Dental Health Month and Dr. Brown and the staff at Neighborhood Family Dentistry are pleased to announce that they now offer free lap exams for one and two year old children of active patients. Lap exams are a great way to get your little one on the fast-track for life long oral health.
What is a lap exam?
A lap exam is a method for the dentist to safely examine your young child’s teeth while allowing them to remain seated on your lap. In this type of exam, you are seated in a chair with your child sitting on your lap, facing you while straddling your waist. The dentist or hygienist will position them selves across from you and you will then gently lay your child’s head back onto the dentist’s lap. The dentist can then evaluate the patient’s dentition, while the child is able to see and hold hands with their parent or caregiver.
What is the goal in doing a lap exam?
A lap exam is a great way to allow the parent and the patient to begin to feel comfortable with dental exams and the dental environment. This exam allows for the building of a trust between the young patient and their dental health provider. The dentist will also examine the child’s dentition and discuss any areas of concern with the parent.
What if I don’t think my child will be able to cooperate?
No problem! The goal is to introduce a laid-back and easy approach to oral healthcare. If we can’t get them the first time, we’ll try again later! While some little ones aren’t comfortable opening up right away, these visits are always positive in exposing children to the dentist, discuss diet and hygiene habits and to provide tips and tricks or answers to any questions you may have regarding your toddler’s dental health.
How often should we have a lap exam done?
We recommend the first lap exam around the age of one and like to see our young patients back every six months thereafter. The child’s first prophylaxis will be at the age of three.
How can I arrange for my child’s lap exam?
If you are interested in having a lap exam for your child, please contact our office to set something up! Often, you can bring your little one in with an older sibling or with you to your appointment, so long as there is another caregiver available. Lap exams generally last about 10 minutes.